On the start page, click "Settings" and scroll all the way down. You should see "History" or "Delete History" at the bottom.
you go to control panel, network and internet, internet options, delete browsing history and cookies.
It's important to know that what kinds of history on your computer you want to delete?* internet browsing history* Cache* Cookies* Windows temp files* Start menu, order history* Applications usage history... ...You can delete internet history in relevant browsers. But for the others, you might need to use a history cleaner. It will search the history records and let you seletively delete them.
Yes. On your toolbar-internet options, privacy, view/delete history or comparable.
Press Ctrl+Shift+H. Right click on the catergories, and click delete
I´m afraid they can! If you use the school internet server they can easily track your history even if you delete. Each computer has a IP (like and Identity Card) that helps the computer to "surf" the net. That number is always available!
I don't think your wii was made for porn...
you go to control panel, network and internet, internet options, delete browsing history and cookies.
If you are using Internet Explorer 8, click on "Safety", then "Delete Browsing History", select what you want to delete, then click OK and all will be done.
if it is an internet game go to internet options and go to delete all
One can delete a search that they have done on the Internet by deleting their browser's history. It can be done on all browsers, by going to Internet options and pressing delete browsing history.
go to tools internet optiond, or go to history and delete it
Open browser, tools, internet options, delete, select all, delete.
It's important to know that what kinds of history on your computer you want to delete?* internet browsing history* Cache* Cookies* Windows temp files* Start menu, order history* Applications usage history... ...You can delete internet history in relevant browsers. But for the others, you might need to use a history cleaner. It will search the history records and let you seletively delete them.
go to tools internet option and delete all history, delete all files
open up internet explorer or whatever you have and proceed to tools, general tab, under browsing history and delete
Click on Tools, Internet Options. On the General tab the second itemis the browser history. Click Delete.
Yes it does only when the history takes up to much memory then safari will auto delete your Internet history.