you must use all items from shop. In the battle active in all round the fire lance, the fire shield and dynamite. Try to not fail.
Age. At the age of 21 a young noble, who had gone through the training, was made a knight.
The squire, the squire was a knight in training, when he reached the right age he became a knight, til that he had to assist his master/knight and learn the fighting techniques from him.
He was a young noble boy in service to the knight and in training to become a knight. This started around age 7 or 8 and continued until full knighthood at 21.
Traditionally at about age 14, but practice varied depending on the area or country and the period.
He becomes a knight at the age of 21 after training to become a knight. His teacher, a knight, knights him, thus he becomes a knight. Knight is a fun word :D
it is esay challing him
The easiest way to unlocking lucario is to find him on the Subspace Emissary when you defeat him as Meta Knight or defeat Meta Knight as Lucario.
defeat him
Of course if you have skill
You can't. It's impossible.
each knight is on a different planet in space. First you need to defeat a boss on each planet. then you get a knight.
after you defeat Sir Gawin, and after a challenge
You must defeat ishuka
Page squire then knight
Knight's Passage Mission "Special Challenge: Defeat ten will-o-wisps".
trying not to get captured byanother knight and trying to defeat other knights and win respect from others such as other knights
Age 15.