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Q: How do you compare Benjamin Franklin to a tree?
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Family tree of Benjamin Franklin?

The Sparks and the Franklin.

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What did Benjamin Franklin compare the creation of government to?

he compared it to chess he compared it to chess

Did Benjamin Franklin invent Christmas tree lights?

No, but he did discover electricity

Is there a site with Benjamin Franklin's family tree on it?

See links below.

What is Benjamin Franklin's surname?

Benjamin Franklin's surname is Franklin.

Who led the Americans' negotiations with France?

Benjamin Franklin and John Adams

What was Benjamin Franklin's mother's last name?

Franklin! That's why they called him Benjamin Franklin.

Who was Benjamin Franklin's father?

Benjamin Franklin's father was Josiah Franklin.

Who wrote an autobiography of Benjamin Franklin?

benjamin franklin

What is the scientific name of Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin

Is Benjamin Franklin single?

No, Benjamin Franklin is not single.