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tape the ends of spoon and ruler together so it forms a V. cut the rubber band in one place and tie each end on each the spoon and ruler. BOMBS AWAY!! >:D

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Q: How do you build a catapult using a spoon ruler and ruberband?
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How do you build a catapult?

First you should know the materials you are allowed to use. Most catapults that are built for school projects use a plastic spoon and a mouse trap. The catapult blueprints can be found on sites at wiki s. now below are the steps to making a good catapult!!!Get all your materials together ( mousetrap, block of wood or shoe box, glue etc....)Draw out a sketch of a catapult.after you draw your sketch you need to start by glueing your mouse trap to a block of wood or a shoe box.put your catapult basket on the mouse trap you need to put your rubber bands on the catapult you need to tie your string to its propar place.Thanks alot wiki s,Drew Barber

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How do you use a a catapult?

First you pull the part where it looks like a spoon you pull that backuntil it clacks then you get in it and it go's really fast and throws you off to the sky but be sure you have a perry shoot :-).

How do you use a catapult?

First you pull the part where it looks like a spoon you pull that backuntil it clacks then you get in it and it go's really fast and throws you off to the sky but be sure you have a perry shoot :-).

What type of machine a catapult is?

A catapult is a type of siege engine that uses mechanical force to launch projectiles, such as rocks or arrows, over long distances. It works by using a lever or other mechanical means to store and release tension, propelling the projectile forward.

Which spoon is the oldest spoon in the world?

that oldest spoon in the world is the carving spoon

What is a chemists spoon?


Is a tbsp a big spoon or a small?

table spoon is a big spoon

What energy is in the spoon when the spoon is heated?

When a spoon is heated, the energy present is thermal energy. This energy causes the atoms in the spoon to vibrate faster which in turn increases the temperature of the spoon.

How much is a spoon?

a spoon is 50 cents to a dollar

Is spoon plural?

No, spoon is singular, the plural is spoons.

What is a dinner spoon?

A medium sized spoon for eating with.