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Its just me you and the music now slim i hope you hear it, were in a car right now oh wait here comes my favorite lyrics im the bad guy who makes fun of people that die and wait heres a squeal of marshall mathers lp just to get poeple to buy and hows this for publicity this should be fun last ablum cause after this youll be offically done eminem killed by eminem mathew mitchill

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Q: How do you analyze the poem I am not I by Juan Ramon jemenez?
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Why is it important to analyze the title of a poem?

It is important to analyze the title because you can somtimes get information from the title and you might be able to hear what the poet is trying to say in the poem.

To scan a line of a poem means to analyze it?


How do you analyze a poem?

How to Analyze a PoemThere are many ways to analyze a poem; you can start by asking yourself these questions: The number of stanzas or lines per stanza sometimes helps determine the poem's meaning.The meter. Is there a beat, rythym, rhyme scheme/pattern?The thematic structure. Does it have an introduction, a problem, or a situation? How does the plot develop? Is the problem explained any further? Is there a climax, conclusion, or solution to the problem? How so? Where in the poem is the introduction, problem, climax, resolution?What literary terms (similie, metaphor, rhyme, personification, assonance, alliteration, etc.) does the poet use? What effect do these techniques have on the people, things, ideas, and meanings of the poem?What is the poem about? How do the literary terms used help the speaker in the poem convey their message? How do the different parts or events in the poem contribute to the overall big picture (the meaning)?Try to use this as a starter. The teacher is probably looking for more about meaning and not just literal structure of the words. Analyze its ideas and concepts or how they relate to the poet's message, and if they are symbolic of anything that has happened in the past (like Bible stories) or something that happened during the time the poet wrote that poem you're analyzing.It's easy to analyze a poem. You already know how to.1. Look for a beat. Is there a rhythm or a pattern?2. Find the hidden meaning. Looking between the lines is a good technique.3. Find the visual details and emotions.You can put these together to analyze the main idea of a poem. Depending on what you're finding, you could just switch out these tips for others!

What is a poem and how is a song a poem?

because song is poem is poem and that's that's so should i be this confused?

What is imagery of the poem the bewildered Arab?

this poetry conveys a story of an arab hooked in confusion. on his way to enlightenment, he met someone who helped him and divined him. in the resolution, he saw someone struggling with the same dilemma.