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America had been the world's Arsenal of Democracy during the war. Its factories had been working at maximum capacity. After the war, there were two hiccups. The factories had to retool to produce domestic products, and the returning service personnel created a glut on the job market. The women who had replaced the men in the defense plants had to re-transition to domestic life. Congress passed the GI Bill which allowed returning service personnel to attend college, and the Federal Housing Administration secured low-interest loans to buy homes in the newly burgeoning suburbs. The stimulus thus provided created the post-war US middle class.

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Rise of the middle class. Move to the suburbs. Shift from factory work to professions.

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. They bought more consumer goods

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Q: How do you account for the economic prosperity of the post World War 2 era in the US?
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Most enjoyed the prosperity of the postwar period?

White males gained the most benefit from post World War II prosperity.

How did the focus on children and teenagers help develop prosperity during the 1950s?

In the 1950s, the focus on children and teenagers helped develop prosperity by creating a generation of educated and skilled individuals who would drive economic growth. The post-World War II baby boom led to a higher demand for consumer goods, which stimulated economic activity. Additionally, the emergence of youth culture and the popularity of consumer products targeted at young people contributed to economic expansion during this period.

How did postwar prosperity affect the economic gap between white and non-white Americans?

The post war prosperity boom increased the economic gap between white and non-white Americans. Discrimination in jobs and housing led to the disparity. The Federal housing laws in those days endorsed discrimination in financing, insurance and sales.

What was post world war 2 prosperity based on?

war production during the war helped industry and pulled nations out of the Great Depression.

What was not a reason for post world war 2 economic growth in the US?

i think its increased savings by most americans...

What factor of life in the 1950s made suburban living possible?

The post-World War II economic prosperity, known as the "baby boom," led to an increase in demand for housing. This, coupled with advancements in transportation infrastructure (such as highways) and the availability of affordable mortgages, made suburban living possible and attractive to many families in the 1950s.

What eras is tied to the prosperity of the 1950's and 1960's?

The post-war era.

What was Trumans first priority after world war 2?

President Truman's first priority after World War II was the reconstruction and rebuilding of post-war Europe through the implementation of the Marshall Plan. This economic aid package aimed to help European countries recover from the devastation of the war and prevent the spread of communism, ultimately fostering stability and prosperity in the region.

How did the tie between the US and Australia formed during World War 2 effect the economic growth of post World War 2 Australia?

The tie between USA and Australia (ANZUS) is a military tie. It has nothing to do with or impact on Australia's economic growth post World War II. The USA is not a major trading partner of Australia.

Can you post videos on YouTube without an account?

no you have to have an account

How did the world see Germany post World War 2?

As a nation in urgent need of economic rebuilding, as the war had cost countless millions in cash, and we did not need a bankrupt Germany as an economic noose whilst we tried to rebuild.