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Q: How do the men like to spend their money and free time on the weekends?
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How did people like to spend free time in the 1940's?

playing with yoyos

How did noblemen spend free time in ancient Egypt?

Noblemen in Ancient Egypt usually would be busy with their day like appointments with overseers of their land. But during their free time they liked to watch their children play or spend time with their wives. Something they really liked to do was to throw or go to parties. they would wear their best clothes or jewerly with lots of food and wine and beer. They loved to overstuff themselves and have a good laugh.

What were boarding schools in 1940's England like and what did the boysgirls do on weekends for fun?

English boarding schools in the 1940's were considered to be very prestigious and therefore highly coveted. Parents who were able to afford boarding school preferred to send their kids to boarding school. They were known for having a much better education than any other schools. The boys and girls would play outside, listen to music on a communal record player, read, and play games. Most boarding schools allowed kids who were over 11-12 years old to visit town on Saturdays to spend their money, if they had any. Sometimes the boarding schools would offer a film show on the weekends. With the war going on during the 1940's, boys and girls did experience rations and had to do without some of the stuff they were used to at home, pre-war.

What was money like in the 1700s?

They used coins and paper money.

What was the housing like in 1750?

well in 1750 they rarely have any money if they are poor and even if they do get any=they spend it on the most unneeded useless things.The rich usually had farms that they got the meat from with their cows and butter and milk so yes that was how it was.=

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How does the men in of mice and men like to spend their money and free time on the weekends?

In "Of Mice and Men," the men typically spend their money on drinks at the local bar and entertainment like visiting a brothel on the weekends. They also enjoy playing horseshoes or cards in their free time. Their limited leisure activities reflect the tough and monotonous life of itinerant workers during the Great Depression.

Are there companies that offer free shipping for electric motors & parts?

Yes. If you spend a certain amount of money most of them will ship your items for free. If you don't spend that amount but you spend enough they will give you like a ten percent off shipping.

What does US government spends most money per year on what?

they spend the most money on usles crap like talking mooses and fat free cheetos and Dalton thompsons

Why do boys like money?

so they can spend it

If you like to spend any money that you have have how do you start saving your money?

You can save your money by... keeping it in a safe spot and never spend it on simple stuff.

Is zaton quest free?

Yes Zaton quest is free to play, kinda like how Gaiaonline is. You can spend money donating to the site in order to receive benefits but that is a choice you can make of your own will.

What does the quote 'Remember that time is money mean?

It means that you should spend your time like you spend your money and if you us it fast you will die fast and if you spend it wisely.

What is a cheapskate?

Someone that doesn't like to spend money

Should kids spend money on whatever they want?

i think that kids should beable to spend their money on what ever they like to buy because its their money so why not

How much do rich people spend?

There is no single answer to that. Different rich people spend different amounts of money. Some have more money to spend than other rich people. Some have lots, but still don't spend much. It will depend on things like how much they have, how they like to spend, what they like to buy and so on.

How do charity's spend the money?

Charities can spend their money on almost anything they like. If they are nice people, they will spend their money on blankets, medicine, food and water for the poor. If they are mean and selfish, they would spend their money on themselves, and not give even a BIT to the needy. Hope this helps. -Sandy

How much money do you spend on a new born baby for baby food?

I spend like $5.34