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Q: How do teenagers typically rebel against authority?
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Related questions

How is rebel used as a verb in a sentence?

Teenagers rebel against rules.

What does it mean to rebel someone?

To rebel against someone means to resist or defy their authority, rules, or decisions. It typically involves going against what was expected or required of you by that person.

What is the word rebelde in spanish?

"Rebelde" in Spanish translates to "rebel" in English. It refers to someone who resists authority or control, and typically goes against established norms or rules.

What is the definition of renegades?

People who rebel against authority.

What is a one word substitute for someone who acts against established authority?

The word for someone against authority is rebel.

How!do!teenagers!typically!rebel!against!authority!Give!examples. in hunger games?

1: Katniss and Peeta almost committing suicide 2: The First Rebellion 3: The Second Rebellion 4: District 12 raising their fingers in a salute 5: Katniss and Gale hunting in the forests

Why teenagers likes demonic music?

They want to rebel against what most of the culture believes in.

Does middle child syndrome sometimes the reason teens rebel?

There are many reasons teenagers rebel. Middle child syndrome is one of the reasons a teen can rebel against their parents.

Why do people Rebel against society?

People rebel because they feel like their authority is incorrect. They rebel so that they can show their authority that they dont agree with what they have done, and can tell them another way of how the problem should be solved.

What is an adverb for rebel?

The word 'rebel' is a noun, a verb, and an adjective.The noun 'rebel' (reb el) is a word for someone who refuses to give in to authority; someone who takes action against an authority or a government; a word for a person.The verb 'rebel' (re bel) is to take action against an authority or a ruler.The adjective 'rebel' (re bel) describes a noun as refusing to give in to authority or taking action against an authority or a government.Examples:He's a rebel when it comes to fashion. (noun)The time had come for the citizens to rebel against the taxes. (verb)The rebel forces have moved closer to the city. (adjective)The noun forms of the verb to rebel are rebellion and the gerund, rebelling.

When a parent tells a teen to not to something does that make them want to do it more?

Yes they will Teenagers like to rebel against authority and make their own judgments about things. There is an old saying that goes 'the surest way to get a teenager to do anything is to tell him/her NOT to do it.'

What is a sentence for mutinous?

Subordinates who rebel against properly constituted authority are said to be mutinous.