Changes in society can change fast and slow by their influences. Societies change from growth and technology. Societies also change because of people and outside influences.
Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.
They helped to lower infant mortality rates. GB
Industrial societies refers to the societies living in the industrialization era while post industrial societies refer to societies living in areas that have already been developed.
Specify which environments the teacher asked.
conflict and change is when there is conflict between or within societies,change is the result.
how are societies altered by the chnge from rural to uran society?
when there is conflict between or with societies,change is the result
This was the change from hunter gatherer societies to agricultural societies. By staying in one location and growing crops, there could be cities and a larger population.
Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.
It helps them to expand their knowledge about other cultures and when they do that, they get a better understanding of themselves. When societies explore, they open their minds to new ideas and this usually leads to a change in their world view.
Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.
Organized military and technological advances such as chariots
Invention of the wheel
Answere= True
Herbert Spencer was the early sociologist who applied the concept of evolution to societies.