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not much, but they live in the intestines and feed off the nutrients in the wastes that pass through the intestines. They are transmitted by eating or ingesting infected materials, covered in some kind of excrement or wastes from an infected animal, their life cycle is that they are ingested, pass through the stomach and hatch in the intestines. They mature by entering the blood stream and are then swallowed again into the stomach, where they finish growing, and go into the intestines and proceed to lay eggs, after this they are excreted and the process re starts.

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What are roundworms classified as?

Roundworms are classified as a type of parasitic nematode that belong to the phylum Nematoda. They are widely distributed in various habitats and can infect plants, animals, and humans.

Do roundworms have radial symmetry?

No, roundworms have bilateral symmetry.

What is the domain of the roundworms?

Roundworms rule the domain of the Phylum'Nematoda'.

What do roundworms harm?

Roundworms can harm dogs ect;

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Jellyfish are bell shaped and roundworms aren't. Jellyfish sting and roundworms do not. jellyfish are radial and and roundworms are not.

Does roundworms have a nervous system?

Yes roundworms have nervous systems!

What is the scienitific name for roundworms?

The scientific name for roundworms is "nematodes."

How do roundworms breathe?

Roundworms breathe through their thin, permeable skin which allows gases to pass in and out of their bodies by diffusion. They do not have specialized respiratory organs like lungs or gills. Oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, while waste gases like carbon dioxide are released out.

What is the circulatory system for roundworms?

Roundworms have a simple circulatory system with a dorsal blood vessel that runs the length of the body and pumps nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. The blood is not contained within vessels but rather flows freely in the body cavity. Gas exchange occurs through diffusion across the body wall.

Are earthworms roundworms or flatworms?

pretty sure they're roundworms as they are round.

What phylum does roundworms belong to?

Roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda.

Are roundworms parasites to animals only?

Roundworms can also be parasites to humans.