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Q: How do people generally react to immigrants?
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What role did the immigrants play in the economy?

Immigrants take on jobs that people born in the country are generally not willing to do. This helps expand the economy.

How did immigrants react to the accusations made by nativists?

Immigrants worked hard to fit in to society.

What party did Northern immigrants and Southern farmers generally voted for?

Northern immigrants generally voted for the Republican Party, while Southern farmers generally voted for the Democratic Party.

What do nativists generally believe about immigrants?

answered by: anomus The Immigrants would take jobs from the Americans

People who migrated to a different land?


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Most people are not allergic to peanut butter. People who are allergic to nuts generally react to peanut butter.

Do lipitor react with soy milk?

Generally not. No.

What did people call new immigrants?

still immigrants

How did bosses treat Jewish immigrants?

If you are referring to bosses in America, during the major wave of immmigration (1880-1920), bosses generally treated ALL immigrants as subservient and lower than other people. There are a few exceptions though.

How did Americans react to the increase in immigration?

Generally, Americans have mix feelings towards lager numbers of immigrates. How Americans react to an increase in immigration is generally negative.

Immigrants and urban workers generally voted for which political party?
