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Christopher Columbus had forced them with gunpoint to drive them out of Asia

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Q: How do most people think the first indians got to america from asia?
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Who was the first man to find America?

People think Christopher Columbus but ACTUALLY its the Indians that helped him get used to America so, Not Christopher Columbus the Indians are the 1st to find America

How did the Indians come to America?

Some people think that the Indians came from Asia during the ice age and ended up in Alaska and moved south.

First known inhabitant in Florida?

Dinosaurs were... but in the case of people, there were Indians there. I think it was the Pawnee. :)

What are the people called in Canada?

As of what i have learned, when the Indians traveled over the Bering Strait and settled in America, they have also settled in Canada. So, what i think they are called are the same to the people in America, what we presently call Indians. ___________ They are called either First Nations or Inuit, depending upon where they are from. Native is another acceptable term. The word Indian is rarely used in Canada.

Who does anthropologists think were the first people to build a civilization in America?

The Olmec people

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How do some scientists think the first people came to North America?


What is the term for people who moved west in 19th-century America?

the kind of people that moved west were pioneers.

Are Indians bad?

No they are not if you think they are then I'm guessing \Indians think the same for you. They are people at the end of the day.

Who was the first explorer to find routes to America?

people think dirty Columbus butt NO

Who were the last Indians to migrate to America?

i think it was the cherokee, But I'm not entirerly sure

When and where the first puppets made?

People don't think this but the first puppets were sock puppets made out of sacks and straws. They were made by people in America in