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they bury them well. because.

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Q: How do modern egyptians handle burying their dead now?
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Why did the Egyptians use canopic jars instead of burying their dead animals?

The Egyptians used Canopic jars to store organs of their dead animals instead of burying them because they believed the deceased would need them in the afterlife. Each organ was placed into a separate jar.

When did coffins become invented?

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use coffins in burying their dead. Their coffins were called sarcophagi and were made of stone.

Why were so many graves from Egypt were robbed?

because they were full of jewels/gold etc. (because the ancient egyptians believed in burying ones valuables with the dead)

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The acient egyptians began burying there dead in coffins to pertect them from wild animals in the desert. However , they realised that bodies placed in coffins decayed when they were not exposed to the hot, dry sand of the desert.

What was a tomb used for in Ancient Egypt?

It is used for burying dead people.

What is the present proggressive tense of bury?

The present progressive tense of "bury" is "is burying" or "are burying," depending on the subject.

Did medieval churches have graveyards?

Yes, the churchyard was the usual place for burying the dead.

What did they forget when burying Fuad II?

King Fuad II isn't dead...

Does burying a dead pet smell?

Burying a dead pet can create some temporary odor as the body decomposes. The smell will eventually dissipate as the body breaks down. It's important to choose a location for burial that is far enough away from your living space to prevent any unpleasant odor.

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Did Cleopatra's country worship her after she died?

No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.

How do Japanese bury their dead people?

they normally use a funeral pyrer instead of burying their dead, then store the ashes in an ern