lets want to get high in french is laisse vouloir obtenir haut
They don't say: "Glory be" in French. They say, Gloire à(Glory to)For example, if you want to say: Glory be to God, you'd say, "Gloire à Dieu".
"Je veux etre....
'Je vous veux me tenir'
Je voule allez manger.
Sa maison est grande.
"Une grande maison."
To say "big sister" in French, you would say "grande sœur."
The house is "la maison" (fem.) in French.
To say "the house of" in French, you would say "la maison de."
Big is translated 'grand, grande' in French.
A big bell is 'une grosse cloche' in French
In French, "at the house of" is translated as "chez."
You can say "animaux de compagnie" in French to refer to house pets.
grand groupe is how you say big group in French.
"Très grand" is how you would say "very big" in French.
You can say "la maison de John" in French to mean "John's house".