You don't. One of the biggest mistakes that is made by feuding parents is the attempt to make each other look "bad". The best option is to allow legal counsel to do his or her job and/or, to only answer those questions that are posed to you in a direct and truthful manner. Do not use name calling, character assassination, and so forth to try to strength your case, such behavior always has the exact opposite results of what was originally intended.
He didn't...... He was a Macedonian.
u have to do a quest in the old cemetery mansion.
Three days of naval skirmishing which the Greeks lost. Their closure of the Thermopylae pass was designed to bring on a naval battle so that the inferior Greek fleet could have a chance of defeating the Persian one and so eliminate the Persian amphibious threat to the Greek cities, and also expose the Persian water supply line on which they were dependent.After this failure, they tried again in the strait of Salamis and won. Unable to support all their army with no sea supply, the Persias had to send half their army home, and the following year the Greeks were able to leave their cities now that the amphibious threat was eliminated, concentrate at Plataia, and defeat the depleted Persian army.
both were European during the Dark Ages that ventured out of Europe and helped expose Europe to other cultures (Mid East for Crusaders, basically all of Asia and north Africa for Polo) and had impacts that could have contributed to Europe's revival and the Renaissance
Discuss this matter with your attorney.
The following are suggestions from contributors:Here are a few of the things the narcissist finds devastating, especially in a court of law, for instance during a deposition:Any statement or fact, which seems to contradict his inflated perception of his grandiose self.Any criticism, disagreement, exposure of fake achievements, belittling of "talents and skills" which the narcissist fantasizes that he possesses, any hint that he is subordinated, subjugated, controlled, owned or dependent upon a third party.Any description of the narcissist as average and common, indistinguishable from many others.Any hint that the narcissist is weak, needy, dependent, deficient, slow, not intelligent, naive, gullible, susceptible, not in the know, manipulated, a victim.The narcissist is likely to react with rage to all these and, in an effort to re-establish his fantastic grandiosity, he is likely to expose facts and stratagems he had no conscious intention of exposing. The narcissist reacts with narcissistic rage, hatred, aggression, or violence to an infringement of what he perceives to be his entitlement. Any insinuation, hint, intimation, or direct declaration that the narcissist is not special at all, that he is average, common, not even sufficiently idiosyncratic to warrant a fleeting interest will inflame the narcissist.Tell the narcissist that he does not deserve the best treatment, that his needs are not everyone's priority, that he is boring, that his needs can be catered to by an average practitioner (medical doctor, accountant, lawyer, psychiatrist), that he and his motives are transparent and can be easily gauged, that he will do what he is told, that his temper tantrums will not be tolerated, that no special concessions will be made to accommodate his inflated sense of self, that he is subject to court procedures, etc. - and the narcissist will lose control.Contradict, expose, humiliate, and berate the narcissist. Document every incident completely - behavior, late arrivals, injuries, neglect, threats, rages, etc. This makes it more difficult for them to continue making up more stories to explain away the behavior. We focused on specific behaviors or lack of. Research and then document. Facts and truth are best weapons against a Narcissist.
Yes but do so anonymously.
Tell him to go and leave you alone.
I assume you live in an all woman community?
Multipersonslity because they can expose sociopahs tothe rest of society
Just because this person is a narcissist doesn't make then much different than anyone else cheating with your spouse and you should be more concerned about your spouse cheating. By all means sit down with the narcissists spouse and tell the whole story, but be sure you have absolute proof before doing so. Don't be surprised if the narcissist's spouse becomes angry and is denial, but, in time the spouse will become to believe it.
Expose yourself to sunlight for longer periods of time during the day.
people realized that the war would not be won easily, nor would it be brief.
It is quite likely. The best way to deal with a narcissist (if you must) is to do so as little as possible, and without crossing them. Your best shot is to exclude them from your life. If you expose them - be sure you are not doing it out of revenge. And be ready for the rage OH YES ! Months after my N and I broke up, he started harassing me. I caught him cyber stalking me. He claims it was his current gf doing it. Anyway, I exposed all his lies and he went into a rage and threatened to ruin my life and post naked pics he had of me on the internet. It got really ugly. He just couldn't handle that I had him all figured out.
People that don't give them attention. People that don't think they are special in some way. and most of all People who find out what they are and expose them for it. Of course IF you intimidate the narcissist they will go on an endless rampage against you. Engage in smear, projection and blame-shifting against you and otherwise do what they can to destroy you & your reputation for intimidating them. If you do find out you know one or are involved with one, get away as fast as you can and don't look back.