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Judging by the amount of 'how do I bypass blocked web-sites' questions on here - It seems the majority would rather sit in school chatting to their friends - instead of paying attention to their lessons ! Still - McDonalds will ALWAYS need toilet cleaners !

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Children treat computers as wonderful toys and they vision towards the surroundings changes dramatically, affecting their childhood simplicity.

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Q: How do children use computers?
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Why do schools support computers for children's use?

Of course Schools support computers to students as part of their ICT lessons.

What is one example of how old computers can still be useful?

Some older computers make great gaming computers for younger children. However, many older computers are actually sent to second and third world countries who use them for home and for business.

What type of technology do adults use?

Children and Adults tend to use the same Technology (Mobile Phones, Computers) but Adults tend to use them for different purposes.

How can parents ensure the safe and appropriate use of computers for babies and young children?

Parents can ensure the safe and appropriate use of computers for babies and young children by setting up parental controls, monitoring screen time, choosing age-appropriate content, and supervising their online activities. It is also important to teach children about internet safety and establish clear rules and boundaries for computer use.

What businesses sell children computers?

Some companies that sell computers for children include Kid Computers, Patheos and Peewee PC. Another company that you may be interested in is Mindstorms.

5 sentences about you learn to use computers and use computers to learn?

1. You can use computers to learn new things.

Uses of computer in classroom?

For the children to know how to use computers example is that they will learn how to type and communicate with other people and do tasks easily..

What did the media generation have that their parents did not have as children?


Should children have computers in there room?


Does Italy use computers?

Italy is a country that does use computers. In this technical age, all developed countries in the world use computers.

Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children?

The answer to this question is subjective. You need to specify the age of the children in question. Children are now faster now than before, they know more than their age mates know some ten years ago. I think children should be allowed to follow a well guided use of computers so that they don't indulge in playing online games only. Outside that, the use of computers will enhance children's ability to explore life's issues from their childhood. This alone is a positive occurrence preparing them for the future. At the same time, too much of anything may be harmful. The use of computers should be well monitored so that children do not develop eyes defect from childhood. There are other diseases associated with the wrong use of computers. So if a child must use computer, the parents must be ready to teach him the right methods and attitude to maintain for a hitch free use of the wonder machine.

How do they use computers in bookstores?

they use computers to keep check of what they sell