

Best Answer

You can request his service records. Google National Archives. There is a section in there that will tell you how to request service records. You can request his service records. Google National Archives. There is a section in there that will tell you how to request service records.

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Q: How do I find out my father's rank and company-he served in World War 2 during Pearl Harbor- in the navy?
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About 170 thousand Americans served at Cold Harbor.

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Approximately 500,000 US-Hispanics served in the US Army during WW2.

Was ben s in world war 2?

yes and he also served at pearl harbor

Who is the oldest living Pearl Harbor survivor that was on a battleship?

I have researched this topic extensively and beleive it to be, Adolph Hengl He served on the USS Tennessee during Pearl Harbor. He served in the Navy for 28 years and retired in 1964 at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He is still alive and well and lives in Livermore California. He will celebrate his 95th birthday on December 26th 2011.

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Mexico was an Allied country, declaring war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. A squadron of Mexican fighter pilots flying US-built fighter planes served in the Pacific during WW2.

Who was the only president that had a father that was also president?

There were two Presidents whose fathers were also Presidents. They were John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush, the sons of John Adams and George H.W. Bush respectively. Also, both these Presidents never served as Vice Presidents, but their fathers served so.

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Hilaries was the name of the rock.

Who served as president of the US from 1901 to 1909?

Theodore Roosevelt served during these years.