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Q: How do Egypt forms of government and decision making reflect to a society worldview?
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How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview?

How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview? Forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview by determining the type of laws, policies, and procedures that the society accepts and follows. For example, a society that holds a collective worldview would likely have a form of government that emphasizes the collective good, such as socialism, whereas a society with an individualistic worldview would likely have a form of government that emphasizes individual rights, such as a democracy. Similarly, decisions made by a society’s government will reflect its worldview. A society with a collective worldview will likely make decisions that focus on the collective good, while a society with an individualistic worldview will likely make decisions that focus on individual rights and freedoms. References;

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The Holocaust did not reflect US society; it occurred in Eastern Europe, far from US soil, and was perpetrated by a completely different government.

Is it inevitable to conform to the world or society around us?

Our Worldview. APEX:D

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Time, Geography, Knowledge, Beliefs, Society, Vaules and Economy

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yes theatre and films merely reflect changes in society

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Text relate to their context and reflect the society and culture in which they were created in the abbreviations used and their language patterns. Another way they reflect the society and culture is by using culture specific references.

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Actually i think society reflect on media because what's going on in your society these days media suddenly catched and made a different kind of stories.

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country music doesnt really reflect on out society . but honestly i couldn't live without music ): music = my lifeee (: