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Standards of public health might have been lower in 1350. Medieval people did not have public baths and toilets like the Romans and some Roman aqueducts has fallen into disrepair.

The Romans believed in good health. The key health facility was the public baths, where you could wash, swim, do exercises and have massages and, in the bigger baths go to a library listen to poetry readings and participate in debates. This range of facilities reflected the Roman belief that good health consisted in eating, cleanliness, massage, exercise and intellectual pursuits. This was exemplified in the expression 'mens sana in corpore sano' a healthy mind in a healthy body. The Romans built public baths (thermae) wherever they went.

Like the baths, other Roman public health measures were aimed at improving cleanliness which was considered key to good health, such as building sewers, building public toilets, draining swamps and marshes, and providing clean water by building aqueducts These were also standard practice which the Romans applied everywhere they went.

The Romans did not have general hospitals. People went to doctors were private practitioners. They did, however, have buildings (valetudinarian) for the care of sick slaves, gladiators, and soldiers from around 100 B.C. When Christianity became an accepted religion in the Roman Empire, hospitals were built. The First Ecumenical Council in 325 A.D called for the building of a hospital in every cathedral town. A hospital in present day Turkey had housing for doctors and nurses and separate buildings for various types of patients. Some hospitals provided training and had libraries.

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Q: How different was the standard of public health in roman period and in 1350?
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