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A Tyrant because people thought of him as a Bad King

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thomas paine clearly calles king george a tyrant in his book common sense

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I love bobby harden jr.

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Q: How did thomas Paine refer to King George III in his pamphlet?
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For a pamphlet, i suggest using a program on your computer such as microsoft publisher. It comes with many templates for these sorts of things. If you however insist to make a pamphlet from a website, refer to the following website:

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No, George Washington first used the term in April 1793 in reference to his cabinet. See James Thomas Flexner, George Washington and the New Nation 1788- 1793 (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970), 214.

To whom does He refer in this passage?

"He" refers to King George III

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Valley Forge.

He has refused his Assent to whom does the word He refer?

King George III