the Spanish armada was defended by England setting fire to a ghost ship and running it into the Spanish that caught and due to them being in neat rows the fire quickly spread which reduced the Spanish fleet greatly and therefore could not fight on.
The Spanish Armada or commonly called the Invincible Armada.
what did they wear on the spanish armada
The Spanish Armada
yes, it was.
The Spanish Armada was not in Cornwall.
the Spanish armada was defended by England setting fire to a ghost ship and running it into the Spanish that caught and due to them being in neat rows the fire quickly spread which reduced the Spanish fleet greatly and therefore could not fight on.
The Spanish Armada or commonly called the Invincible Armada.
She was queen during the Spanish Armada, and she made the spanish armada happen.
what did they wear on the spanish armada
The Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada failed.
1588 was when the Spanish Armada started.
yes, it was.
The Spanish Armada was the other side.
Enland defeated the spanish armada in 1588
The Spanish Armada.