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Slaves were frequently captured by Black tribes as prisoners of war- they were then uloaded unto the Slave traders- who would take their human cargo to what amounted to slave markets for ( final sales). It is not often emphasized that Blacks- such as those from Dahomey- dumped prisoners of war and tribal outcasts on the Slave traders ( for profit) and thus sold their own people into the grim reality of the slave system.

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Q: How did they select the slaves during the slave trade?
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Where did slaves mainly come from?

during the slave trade most slaves came from Africa

What location was a departure point for slaves during the slave trade?

Goree Island in Senegal was a departure point for slaves during the slave trade. This island housed one of the largest slave-trading centers on the west coast of Africa.

About what population of slaves during the slave trade were placed in the Southern Colonies?


What did the slaves get during the slave trade?

Nothing but the food required to keep them going.

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

When did the slave onewers start kidnapping the slaves?

Kidnapping of African slaves by European slave traders began when the transatlantic slave trade started in the 15th century. This practice was widespread during the era of colonization in the Americas until the abolition of the slave trade in the 19th century.

Where were slaves usually captured in Africa during the slave trade?

Niger Nigeria Tchad and Liberia

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slave trade

During the slave trade area most of the slaves went where?

During the slave trade era, most of the slaves were transported to the Americas, primarily to work on plantations in regions such as the Caribbean and the southern United States. This transatlantic slave trade was a brutal and inhumane system that forcibly displaced millions of Africans to the New World.

How many slave were taken from kenya?

It is estimated that around 5 to 6 million slaves were taken from Kenya during the transatlantic slave trade.

Which country transported the fewest slaves?

Denmark transported the fewest slaves during the transatlantic slave trade, with an estimated total of around 50,000 individuals. The Danish government abolished the slave trade in 1803 and slavery in 1848.

Where were slaves from Africa taken to during the slave trade?

they were taken to America and the caribbean to work on plantations and etc..