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The Battle of Trafalgar affected England because after the war there was still long and hard fighting to be done to bring home to their emperor that he had exhausted his long term options. Their victory allowed them to reduce the Navy well below its present size, without running any serious risks.

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The Battle of Lundy's Lane shifted the control of the Niagara Peninsula from the American's to the British. It remains one of the deadliest battles ever fought in Canada.

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Q: How did the war of 1812 affect England?
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What was the second war with England called?

The War of 1812.

How did things chage for England after war of 1812?

They didn't. The War of 1812 is mostly unknown in the UK.

Is there a war in 1812?

Yes,There was a war with England called the War of 1812.The war lasted from 1812 to 1815.The war is often excluded from History lessons because there was no real outcome from it.

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The War of 1812 paralleled the Peninsular War in Europe. At the time, England was at war with France and the armies of Napoleon.

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The greatest opposition to the War of 1812 came from the Shipowners.

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If you are asking about Windsor, England it had no part in the War of 1812 since it was fought in the States.

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