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Q: How did the use of trench warfare affect the soldiers both physically and mentally?
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No, the body and mind are two separate entities, however they do go hand in hand. But because you are physically fit it does not mean you are mentally fit.

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Yes. The severity either mentally or physically, or both.

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it affect your future by what you do and how you act. hope that helped!

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it will, be very difficult due to the noise,and all other kinds of may affect both mentally and physically

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It's very important to understand how a surgery will affect you mentally and physically. You can start by searching to see before and after pictures.

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Marijuana can affect you physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Physically, it can cause changes in heart rate, coordination, and appetite. Psychologically, it can alter perception, mood, and cognition. Emotionally, it can impact feelings of relaxation, euphoria, anxiety, or paranoia. Socially, it may influence interactions with others depending on the individual's response to the drug.

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it kills... Not necessarily although it is dangerous and increases the risk of contracting other illnesses

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just cause