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Q: How did the us express anti war feelings?
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They did as told, like every war, kept their mouth shut, even as our government lied to us, pulled us into a war with lies for it's own agenda as always. Answer: you're not allowed an opinion or "feelings" in the military. If you reveal our governments secrets or lies, you get a bullet in the head like Lincoln and Kennedy.

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How did the war effect. the us?

It divided the country into pro-war and anti-war factions.

How did the US the Vietnam war?

It divided the country into pro-war and anti-war factions.

Is gore anti war?

Its possible he may have been anti-war, but he still served his country, in the US Army in Vietnam.

What year did the anti-war movement in America take place?

Anti-Draft movement disguised as an anti-war movement. People didn't care about the war (most people didn't even know where Vietnam was anyway); they just didn't want to be forced to go there (by being drafted into the US Army or US Marine Corps).

How did the Vietnam war effects the US?

It divided the country into pro-war and anti-war factions.

What impact did the Vietnam War have on the on the US nation?

It divided the country into pro-war and anti-war political factions.

1960 in the US?

Drugs, Anti-War protesting, Music, and Love.

The importance of US anti-slavery movement?

US Civil War 1861-1865; also known as the American Civil War.