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U2 Spy planes took arial photographs

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U-2 aerial Photography.

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Q: How did the us discover that the soviet union had placed surface to air missiles in cuba?
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What happened during the Cuban crisis?

The soviet union placed missiles in Cuba and the U.S. placed a blockade of Cuba

The Cuban Missile Crisis began in 1962 when which country placed nuclear missiles in Cuba?

The Soviet Union

What started the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Castro wanted American Tobacco PlantainsIt was started by:1) The USA placed missiles in Turkey2) The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba

In1962 the United states almost went to war because the soviet union placed missiles in which nation?


Who assured attorney Robert Kennedy that no offensive missiles would be placed in Cuba?

Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin

Who assured attorney general robert kennedy that no offensive missiles would be placed in cuba?

Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin

Why is the Soviet Union pointing missiles at your country?

The only countries that the USSR aimed missiles at were China, and the US, they did so to try to equalize the strategic balance. Because the US had placed missiles in West Germany, Turkey, Greece, and an island in the pacific. So the USSR felt tat they were under gunned and placed more missiles in more places.

When Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and US withdrew missiles from?


In 1962 the United states almost went to war because the Soviet Union placed missiles in which nation?

The Soviet Union sent ships loaded with missiles to Cuba. The United States of America stood resolved and firm, forcing the Russians to turn their ships around at the last minute, and head back to Russia.

Which nation was responsible for the missiles in cuba?

The Soviet Union

Who put the missiles in Cuba?

The Soviet Union.

What country did the US and soviet union had a dangerous standoff over the presence of soviet missiles?

Cuba. The reason the USSR put missiles there was to get rid of the U.S. Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Both were removed.