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Q: How did the upper classes view the bourgeoisie?
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Who made up the third estate in France prior to the french revolution?

The Middle Classes, also called the Bourgeoisie.

What were upper class Romans in the roman empire known as?

By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.By the time of the empire there were three upper classes of citizens. they were the patricians. the plebeians and the equites.

What part of the middle class was strongly influenced by enlightenment ideas?

The middle class and the upper middle class were strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas. The upper middle class is commonly known by the title: Bourgeoisie. The Bourgeoisie was made up by career professionals such as lawyers, bankers, doctors, and bureaucrats.

Who learned to read and write in both the upper and the lower class in Rome?

Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.Every one in the upper classes learned to read and write and many of the lower classes also. However education was not free and because of the cost, many of the lower classes had an abbreviated education.

What are the social classes in sumerian society and who was in each one?

The three social classes would be:the upper,middle,and lower classes upper classes included preists,kinds.landowners,merchants,and government officials. middle classes included all people who were free and the lower classes included Slaves.

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What is marxism idea of bourgeoisie democracy?

the upper calss

The was an assembly that represented three classes the clergy the nobility and the bourgeoisie?

Yes, that was the National Assembly.

Another name for middle class in France?

les classes moyennes, la bourgeoisie

What classes fought during each main epoch in history?

Bourgeoisie and proletariat are the classes that fought during each main epoch in history.

What were two warring classes that Marx and Engels outlines in the communist manifesto?

middle class and working class

What are bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

The Bourgeoisie are the middle classes, while the proletariat are the working class, which the Bourgeoisie exploited. Communism is popular because it favors many of the proletariat workers and is very promising.Karl Marx is the father of Communism, and he divided the people into the sections.

What are the different between the bourgeoisie and proletariat?

The bourgeoisie are the capitalist class who own the means of production and exploit the labor of the proletariat, who are the working class that sell their labor for wages. The bourgeoisie profit from the surplus value generated by the labor of the proletariat, perpetuating class struggle in capitalism.

Were peasants the largest group in the first estate?

The first estate consisted of the members of clergy. The second estate was made of the nobility classes, and the third estate was what contained the peasants, Parisians (or urban workers), and the bourgeoisie who were the upper middle class and were the richest of this estate.

Who were the warring classes according to Karl Marx?

According to Karl Marx, the warring classes in society are the bourgeoisie (capitalist class who own the means of production) and the proletariat (working class who sell their labor for wages). Marx believed that these two classes had conflicting interests and that this class struggle would eventually lead to the overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.

What does buregoisie mean?

Bourgeoisie refers to the middle class, especially those with materialistic values and conventional attitudes. In Marxist theory, the bourgeoisie are seen as the capitalist class that owns the means of production and exploits the working class.

What did the French artist Elizabeth- Louise Vigee Le Brun specialized in?

Portaits of royalty and the upper classes (APEX)

Who made up the third estate in France prior to the french revolution?

The Middle Classes, also called the Bourgeoisie.