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Chamberlain's Maine Volunteers took and held the ridge. At a crucial moment in the fighting, running low on ammunition, he ordered "fix bayonets" and conducted a wheel right maneuver against the advancing Alabama militia unit. The maneuver, combined with a rifle volley from a nearby unit, forced the Alabamans into a full retreat, saving the position, and, possibly, the battle.

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Q: How did the union defend little round top?
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Where did the union camp at the Battle of Gettysburg?

in little round top

What was the name of the high ground the union was protecting?

Little round top

Who won the battle of little round top?

The Union won with ease

Why was little round top more important than big round top?

The defense of Little Round Top on Day Two of Gettysburg saved the Union line and set the stage for the final victory on Day Three.

Who commanded the Union during the battle of little round top?

Col. Strong Vincet

Why is little round top so important to Joshua Chamberlain?

little round top was so important because it was the extream left flank of thr union line and if the union was flanked they would of beem wiped out and would of lost Gettysburg

Why was it critical that chamberlain's troops hold little round top?

If the Confederates occupied Little Round Top, it could fire down the Union lines and dislodge the Federal Forces from their positions.

Was the 54th Massachusetts regiment confederates?

No, they were part of the union. They helped to protect little round top.

Why is little round top vital to the union?

Little Round Top was a crucial outpost. It gave the Union a position to see the battlefield and a key artillery post that covered a great deal of the front. Had the Confederates captured it, they could have rained fire all up and down the line, forcing the Union to retreat.

Why did the confederates attack Culp's hill and Little Round Top?

The south was trying to flank the Union line.

What were the ridge positions of the union line in Gettysburg?

seminary ridge and the areas below cemetary ridge and little round top

What did the union control in the battle at Gettysburg which helped them win the battle?

The Cemetery Ridge, Little Round Top and Culp's Hill.