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Cigars achieved their prominence as a symbol of aristocracy during the "Brown Decades," after the Civil War. Also during this era, modern cigarettes began to appear on the scene. All cigarettes were initially "roll-your-own."

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Q: How did the tobacco industry change after the Civil War?
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Which agricultural industry became important in Virginia after the civil war?

cotton and tobacco

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The most obvious change in the North in the decades before the Civil War was the?

rapid expansion of industry

What is a major change in the railroad industry after civil war?

compitition between owners for local markets.

What industry did the south have?

After the civil war, the south did have some coal mines (mainly in Kentucky if you consider that south). But the number one Industry in southern states was tobacco. Especially in North Carolina where the American Tobacco Company was founded by James B. Duke (Founder of Duke Universtiy). The major difference between north industry and south industry was there were virtually no unions in the south.

Where was cotton and tobacco important after the civil war?

southern colonies

What crop is king pre civil war in the south?

Cotton and tobacco.

What was the main industry of the Southern economy?

The main industry in the Southern States was farming. The most prevalent crops were cotton and tobacco. The Southern States, before the Civil War, sold these crops to the Northern States and in European markets.

What was the major crop of the south prior to the civil war?

the major crop prior to the civil war was cotton

Was the automobile industry been in Detroit since the civil war?

No, it was many years after the civil war. There were no automobiles in 1865.

How did the social structure change more dramatically in the north than in the south in the decades before the Civil War?

There was a lot of immigration to the North, plus the growth, industry, and the population grew a lot in the decades before the Civil War.

What else besides cotten tobacco and indigo were grown in the civil war?

tobaco corn