The hanging gardens of Babylon were build by King Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BCE in favour of his wife Amitis of Medea who was homesick for her home land Persia.
the hanging gardens of Babylon
The hanging garden was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are from the city of Babylon built by King Nebuchadnezzar 2 to impress his Persian wife.
There are many answers about Alexander on this site, and you can ask for answers of other questions as well. Similarly there are answers about the Hanging Gardens in the Mesopotamia site.
Nebuchadnezzar's wife, Amytis, missed her green homeland, Medes. Since he did not want her to leave (like any good husband would) build her the hanging gardens in Babylon. They were also regarded as one of the ancient wonders of the world.
== == == == == ==
The duration of Hanging Garden - film - is 1.9 hours.
Hanging Garden - film - was created on 2005-05-12.
No, the hanging garden were in Babylon.
No, the hanging garden were in Babylon.
The earthquake destroyed the palace and the garden.
it was horrible
? :D
The Hanging Garden
In the city of Babylon.
a monkey hanging of a tree