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Q: How did the soviet union mobilize to fight in world war 2?
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Why did Finland join the world war 2?

To fight the Soviet Union.

What was the name of the fight for the soviet union during world war 2?

"The Eastern Front"

Why did Estonia enter World War 2?

Estonia was part of the soviet union during WW2, therefore they had no choice and they had to go into the war with the soviet union.

What did Kazakhstan do during World War 2?

They were part of the Soviet Union and did send their armies to fight along side all other soviet countries and also supplied the soviet armies with resources.

During World War 2 was it russia or Soviet Union?

it was the the soviet union

Where did they fight during World War 2?

In Europe,Soviet Union,China,Japan airbourne,overseas on land,United States

Did Romania fight alongside Germany in world war 2?

Yes, Romania was allied with Germany against Soviet Union invaders.

Does the Soviet Union join Germany in world war 2?

No. The Soviet Union did enter World War 2 but on the other side. Germany invaded and then forced the Soviet Union into the war

Why did the red army fight against Germany in world war 2?

The Soviet Union fought against Germany primarily because Germany invaded the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa, which was in violation of their non-agression pact.

What problem faced by Germany during World War 1 did Hitler want to avoid by having the Soviet Union as an ally?

Hitler didn't want to have to fight on two fronts simultaneously. With the Soviet Union as an ally, he'd have that side of Europe "safe" from attack. Hitler wanted the soviet union as an ally because they had a bigger army and he wanted help from them to fight off the other countries that were attacking him.

What is Soviet Union's motto?

The motto of Soviet Union is 'Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!'.

Which of the following countries became the leader of the international communist movement following World War 2?

The Soviet Union