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Both wars were territorial disputes in Chinese regions. The Sino War in which Japan was the aggresser, and the Russian War in which the Russians were the aggresser. Reason being; the Russians, Germans, and the French semi-threatened Japan to give up some of it's won territories from the Sino War in 1894-1895. Outnumbered 3 to 1, Japan reluctantly with-drew, but to put it mildly, was angry about it. At the same time, France & Germany silently disappear from the scene leaving Russia alone to not only stay in the Chinese regions but build up it's forces. This really sets Japan off (really angers them). By 1904, both countries KNOW they are going to war with each other.

Japan strikes first in February 1904 at Port Arthur...yes it's a surprise torpedo attack inside a harbor by IJN Destroyers. Not a very devastating attack, some Russian warships are sunk, some damaged, but enough for declarations of war for the both of them.

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Q: How did the sino Japanese and russo Japanese wars spring out?
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Who did china go to war with in 1839?

1st Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895.

What wars were most important in shaping Russian history?

Their wars against Poland, the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, the two Russian Revolutions, World War II and, if it can be called a war, the Cold War.

How many wars has Japan been in?

Japan has been in an almost constant state of warfare since recorded history. Mostly it was internal conflicts for control of the country, or certain parts of it, which were largely put to rest when Ieyasu Tokugawa seized the Shogunate and united most of Japan. Beyond that, there were occasional skirmishes with Korea or China, some tensions when the Europeans arrived, and periodic unrest with some of the more remote areas of the country wanting autonomy from central government. In 1905, there was the short but spectacular Russo-Japanese War where Japan flexed its newly found industrial muscle and crushed the Russian navy. Then in the 1930's came Japanese expansionism which saw the invasion of China and Korea, much along the same lines as Nazi Germany, and generally flowed into what became the Second World War. Any book on Ieyasu Tokugawa would give a good insight into Japanese feudal military history.

Did Catherine the Great win any wars?

Catherine the Great win: the war against the Confederation of Bar of 1768-1772, an anti Russian uprising in Poland, her First Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774, her Second Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792, the Polish-Russo War of 1792.

What are the goals of the Chinese revolution of 1911?

The Chinese revolution was fought to overthrow the imperialist government of the Qing dynasty. Losses in the Opium Wars and the Sino-Japanese War, which had caused the Qing Dynasty to give up some of China's territory, brought about a dissatisfaction with the government. After the dynasty was toppled, the Chinese Republic was established.

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What do the sino-Japanese war and Russo-Japanese war have in common?

They have nothing in common, other than the fact that both wars are caused by the Japanese and shows Japan's militaristic ambitions.

What Three wars did Japan fight Prior to world war 1?

the Russo-Japanese war 1st Sino- Japanese war i cant think of the last one

Why was Japan in the war?

Japan was in the Russo-Japanese War, the Boxer Rebellion, two Sino-Japanese Wars, World War 1, and World War 2. In all cases the goal was imperial expansion.

What wars where fought since 1900?

Russo- Japanese War , Philippine- American war and Boer war.

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Crimean War, Seven Weeks War, Franco-Prussian War, Russo-Turkish War, Russo-Japanese War, and Balkan Wars

Were there any wars between 1901 and 1911?

The Russo-Japanese war 1904-1905 Wadai war 1909-1911

How did the sino-japanese and russo-japanese wars spring out of japans new strength as a modernized nation?

The 1894 Sino War was an opportunity for the Japanese to use (try out) their new army & navy against a real enemy. Test them out, correct any shortcomings, improve their equipment, etc. The 1904 Russian War was the big test. Modern Russian battleships built under French designs against modern Japanese battleships built to British designs. This would also effect the European navies...what would be better...French designed battleships or British designed battleships? The Russo-Japanese War would prove which design was the best (it was the British designed battleships). The British launched HMS Dreadnought immediately after the war (based on lessons learned from the Russian/Japanese War). Dreadnought started a whole new naval arms race world wide, which ultimately led to WWI in 1914.

In Japan why do they have war?

In Article 9 of the Japanese constitution, it claims that the Japanese have renounced war. This constitution was written after World War II, and so although they have participated in wars in the past, such as the Russo-Japanese War or Sino-Japanese War, it does not mean that they are in war currently, or will be in a war in the future. If you are asking why Japan engages in war, the answer is the same as why any country would engage in war -- territorial expansion, imperialism, colonization, racism, etc.

Who did china go to war with in 1839?

1st Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895.

Who was the sino-japanese war between?

China and Japan fought two modern wars (1894-1895 and 1937-1945).Cathay & Sino- refer to ancient former names of China.

What are some famous wars in china?

Since China has thousands of year's worth of history, the country had many famous wars. Some of these famous Chinese wars included the Sino-Tibetan War, both Sino-Japanese Wars, the Chinese Civil War, and the Sino-Vietnamese War.

What are Japan's wars?

Japan was a belligerent in the Russo-Japanese War, World War 1 and World War 2, as well as pre-20th century conflicts with China and internal civil wars.