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The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, contributed to socialist responses in countries such as Germany, France, and Britain because of the mass growth of technology and economical change. States and communities began to advocate the rights to control and own production, distribution, and exchange within their own territory. Socialism can be defined as, "a political theory advocating state ownership of industry." This defines what the ever-booming population and economy wanted to accomplish.

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Q: How did the second Industrial Revolution impact the development of socialist parties?
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What is socialist party?

A socialist party is, in theory at least, a political party that argues for and works towards the transformation of society in a socialist direction. Armed with a socialist ideology, socialist parties seek political power to reform the economy from one based on private ownership to one based on common ownership. Although this is a very broad definition of a socialist party, the historical divisions, schisms and splits within the socialist movement inevitably make it difficult to answer the question in a few paragraphs. Socialist parties have often disagreed on what socialism means, how socialism should be achieved, and what role the socialist party should take. Arguably the most important divisions arose after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, led by the socialist Bolshevik Party. Power was taken through revolution and violence, socialist transformation was enacted from above and often undemocratically, and the Bolshevik/Communist Party assigned itself a vanguard/dictatorial role within the new society. On the other hand, more moderate socialist parties at the time (including the SPD in Germany) advocated a parliamentary and constitutional route to socialism, based on democracy. Socialism would be achieved gradually and by peaceful means, and capitalism would slowly wither away.

What were some political changes during the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution was accompanied by the formation of labor unions, which formed or dominated various political parties in democratic nations, won certain rights for unions and workers in general, and generally expanded the franchise (right to vote) more broadly in these nations.

What are Portugal's major political parties?

The big four historical political parties are: The Socialist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the People's Party and the Communist Party. Only these four parties survived since (or earlier) the Revolution. Other major parties come and go too fast; since 2000 emerged another party, the Left Bloc, with significant results, though it's been in decline in recent years.

Why did hitler ban Political Parties in 1933?

It was a gradual process starting with making socialist and communist parties illegal, merging some of the Conservative parties into the Nazi's and encouraging Liberals and the Catholic Centrist parties to disband as there were going to be no more elections.

Who was the leader of the Russian Fascist Revolution?

There are three possible answers to this question because there were (at least) three political parties that could be deemed "socialist revolutionaries. First is the Bolshevik Party. Vladimir Lenin was the chief leader. Second is the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Julius Martov was the chief leader of that party. Third is the Party of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Victor Chernov was the chief leader of that party. Most likely this question refers to the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin, since it is the political party which overthrew the Russian Provisional Government (not the Tsar) in the October Revolution and later became the Communist Party.

Related questions

When was International Working Union of Socialist Parties created?

International Working Union of Socialist Parties was created in 1921.

When did International Working Union of Socialist Parties end?

International Working Union of Socialist Parties ended in 1923.

What is socialist party?

A socialist party is, in theory at least, a political party that argues for and works towards the transformation of society in a socialist direction. Armed with a socialist ideology, socialist parties seek political power to reform the economy from one based on private ownership to one based on common ownership. Although this is a very broad definition of a socialist party, the historical divisions, schisms and splits within the socialist movement inevitably make it difficult to answer the question in a few paragraphs. Socialist parties have often disagreed on what socialism means, how socialism should be achieved, and what role the socialist party should take. Arguably the most important divisions arose after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, led by the socialist Bolshevik Party. Power was taken through revolution and violence, socialist transformation was enacted from above and often undemocratically, and the Bolshevik/Communist Party assigned itself a vanguard/dictatorial role within the new society. On the other hand, more moderate socialist parties at the time (including the SPD in Germany) advocated a parliamentary and constitutional route to socialism, based on democracy. Socialism would be achieved gradually and by peaceful means, and capitalism would slowly wither away.

How hold socialism power?

The rise of socialism and the acquisition of power by socialist parties or movements varies across different countries and historical contexts. In some cases, socialism has been achieved through democratic means, with socialist parties winning elections and forming governments. In other cases, socialism has been established through revolution or overthrow of existing power structures.

What were some political changes during the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution was accompanied by the formation of labor unions, which formed or dominated various political parties in democratic nations, won certain rights for unions and workers in general, and generally expanded the franchise (right to vote) more broadly in these nations.

Is Luxembourg socialist?

Yes. The current parliament of of Luxembourg is a coalition of two socialist parties; the Christian Social Party (CSV) and the Socialist Party (LSAP).

What are Portugal's major political parties?

The big four historical political parties are: The Socialist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the People's Party and the Communist Party. Only these four parties survived since (or earlier) the Revolution. Other major parties come and go too fast; since 2000 emerged another party, the Left Bloc, with significant results, though it's been in decline in recent years.

What are the names of the major political parties in Spain?

Spanish Socialist Workers' Party People's Party

Is Netherlands socialist?

The current government of the Netherlands is comprised of the conservative liberal VVD and the Labour Party. Socialist or communist parties have been or are part of parliament, but have never been in government.

What parties were involved in the spanish revolution?

The Spanish Revolution was fought between the Republicans and the Nationalists.

Why did hitler ban Political Parties in 1933?

It was a gradual process starting with making socialist and communist parties illegal, merging some of the Conservative parties into the Nazi's and encouraging Liberals and the Catholic Centrist parties to disband as there were going to be no more elections.

What are the names of the political parties in Egypt?

national democratic party, socialist liberalist party, and ummah party