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Q: How did the routes of Paul revere and Dawes differ from the British route?
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Who was the colonial patriot who warned of British attack?

Paul Revere and William Dawes

Did paul revere and William dawes meet in a specific area when the british were coming?

No. Revere had been stopped by a British patrol on the road when Dawes happened by. Seeing the problem Dawes kept going to Concord since it was obvious that Revere wasn't going to make it.

Who warned the colonists of the British advance towards lexington and concord?

Paul Revere and William Dawes

Who rode to warn the Minutemen that the British were coming?

Revere, Dawes, and Prescott

What role did William Dawes and Dr Prescott play in the midnight ride?

Paul Revere and William Dawes rode from Boston to warn the Patriots by different routes. They got to Lexington and warned John Hancock. They were joined by Dr. Prescott as they traveled from Lexington to Concord. The British captured Revere and Dawes but Prescott evaded capture. Dawes being a physician, was able to talk the British out of taking his horse. Revere finally broke free of the British and went back on foot to help Sam Adams and John Hancock. Prescott reached Concord by 1:30 AM and warned the town.

Why is pual revere famous but the other riders that warned the british are not?

because Paul Revere is easy to say compared to William Dawes. Because Paul Revere is easy to say compared to William Dawes.

Who warned the militia that the british were marching to concord?

Paul revere and William Dawes

Who avoided capture while spreading the news that the british were coming?

William Dawes..i think

What year did Paul Revere and William Dawes say the British are coming?

They said this in 1775.

Who is willian dawes?

helped Paul Revere warn the Colonists of the approaching British soldiers

Who told the people of lexington and concord that the british was coming?

Paul Revere and Billy Dawes

Who was the patriot who helped paul revere spread the news the british are coming?

William Dawes