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The Pax Romana followed the creation of rule by an emperor by Augustus which followed the civil wars which brought the Roman Republic down. The stronger system of government created by Augustus, where the central government had much better control over the provinces of the empire, worked well during the 200 years of the Pax Romana. There was political conflict, but it did not spiral out of control. There were political conspiracies against emperors, but this did not destabilise the empire and ways to ensure successions of emperors which maintained stability were usually found. Military conflicts over imperial succession occurred in the Year of the Four Emperors, but were small scale and got nowhere near civil war. Another factor that contributed to the relative stability was the decision to limit the expansion of the empire and to avoid conflict with other military powers after setbacks to an initial phase of expansion during this period.

The relative peace and stability provided by a stronger system of government created an opportunity for economic growth through a growth in trade. The empire developed an intensive and extensive trading network where goods were bought, sold transported and sold all around the empire and beyond. Rome also trade with Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India and China.

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The term Pax Romana indicates a two hundred year period of relative political stability within the Roman Empire. The stability facilitated the development of thriving trading networks throughout the empire and beyond which brought greater prosperity. This was encouraged by the state through low taxation and the construction of infrastructure. An extensive network of roads was developed. Bridges, ports, dams and aqueducts were also built. There was also the construction of bathhouses, temples, theatres, amphitheaters and basilicas (public buildings).

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Q: How did the roman empire change during pax Romania?
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What did historians call the western roman empire?

They called in the Western Roman empire. The only change of any of the roman empires was in the eastern roman empire. The eastern roman empire changed into the Byzantine Empire

Was there a pope during the Roman Empire?


What was so important to the ancient byzantines?

The Byzantines were a medieval people, not an ancient one. Byzantine Empire is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part. The eastern part of the Roman Empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. The people in question did not use this term. They called their empire Roman Empire or Romania (this referred to this empire and not the country which was later called Romania). The conventional dates for the Byzantine Empire are 476 to 1453. Your question is very broad. I guess that the two most important things for the Byzantines were their religion (Orthodox Christianity) and their emperor.

The Roman Empire what is the largest during which emperor's rules?

The Roman Empire reached its greatest extent under Trajan

What was the han empire and the roman empire?

The han Empire was one of the many Chinese empires in Chinese history. It was an ancient empire ruled by the Han dynasty. The Roman Empire was an empire the Rome built during antiquity.

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Was Romania part of an empire in the 20th century?

1. Romania wasn't a part of an empire in the 20th century. 2. Some provinces as Transylvania, Banat, Bucovina, CriÅŸana and MaramureÅŸ were parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 3. Another province - Bessarabia (Basarabia in Romanian language) was a part of the Russian Empire. Note that during the antiquity some provinces of the today Romania are parts of the Roman Empire; and during the middle age Romanian provinces were included in the Ottoman Empire as vassals.

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Romania is founded after the Roman Empire conquered Dacia, after the second great war with Roman Empire and Dacia (101-102, 105-106 B.C.) The independent state of Romania was founded after the war (1877-1878) with the Turk.

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Romania wasn't not discovered; Romania has a population from tens of thousand years ago. During the times of the Roman empire, much of what we now call Romania was called Dacia by the Romans. It's language is a Romance one, derived from Latin.

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They called in the Western Roman empire. The only change of any of the roman empires was in the eastern roman empire. The eastern roman empire changed into the Byzantine Empire

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During His life He lived in the Roman Empire.

Jesus lived during the what empire?

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What seems unusable about Romania being in the romance language family?

The strange fact is that Romania is very isolated and was only partially occupied by the Roman Empire.