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Rich people of the Middle Ages usually had wooden bath tubs in their homes to bathe in. These tubs were sometimes rather large, and tubs for two people appear in medieval art.

By contrast, poorer people bathed in public baths, much as the Romans had done. People in the countryside bathed in brooks if they had to.

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What is the modern myth about bathing in the middle ages?

There is a widespread belief that people did not bathe in the Middle Ages. This myth arises because bathing went out of practice during the Renaissance, when people worried that it was unhealthy and rich people could afford perfume. Since we have a tendency to regard the Renaissance as a period of improvement, we often ascribe anything about it that was unpleasant to the Middle Ages. During most of the Middle Ages, however, people regarded cleanliness as next to godliness, and kept themselves very clean. There is a link below.