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Q: How did the resistance of manu southern whites to civil rights activities in the south ironically help the cause of black civil rights?
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The civil rights movement's strategy of nonviolent resistance was most widely advocated throughout the 1960s by?

Martin Luther King Jr.s' Southern Christian Leadership Conference

What least describes the Black Codes?

Black codes were laws passed in the southern united states. These laws limited the rights of African Americans to work, move, and to have general activities.

Which is true about Southern Dixiecrats in 1948?

they fought against expanding civil rights

What were the set of laws that took away the rights of slaves?

Slave codes

What kind of group was ML King the president of?

King organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which gave him a base to pursue further civil-rights activities, first in the South and later nationwide.

What was the name for rules that were used to try to control the lives of former slaves?

Black Codes. They were created by Southern states after the Civil War to regulate the activities and behaviors of freed slaves, restricting their rights and freedoms.

What has the author Antonio Reposo written?

Antonio Reposo has written: 'La disciplina dell'opposizione anticostituzionale negli Stati Uniti d'America' -- subject(s): Civil rights, Constitutional law, Resistance to Government, Subversive activities

How many times was dr king arrested for participaiting in civil rights activities?

Dr. King was arrested 30 times for his participation in civil rights activities

What was the importance of the Southern Manifesto?

The Southern Manifesto was an important document in the history of the United States as it opposed racial integration in public places, reflecting the resistance to the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision. It galvanized support for segregationists in the Southern states and contributed to the civil rights movement by highlighting the opposition that existed in the South to racial desegregation.

What is samro?

Southern African Music Rights Organisation

What does not describe the southern states?

They were concerned with people's rights.

What is a Dixiecrat?

a member of a faction of southern Democrats stressing states' rights and opposed to the civil-rights programs of the Democratic party, esp. a southern Democrat who bolted the party in 1948 and voted for the candidates of the States' Rights Democratic party.