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After ww2 the two countries started the cold war since they had hated each other for a long time and the fought by seeing who could build the most nuclear warhead and that was the cold war even so we got new inventions like the internet.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Each sought to secure its own sphere of influence, misinterpreting the other's attempt to do so as an attempt to take over Europe and other regions. A sharp deterioration of relations in 1947 initiated the "Cold War" as the US stepped in to replace weakened Britain in aiding Greece and Turkey, Communists were ejected from coalition governments in Western Europe and the USSR tightened its hold on eastern Europe.

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8y ago

Before the war, the US Government and the general public had been largely and sometimes violently anti-Communist. During the war, the US and Russia were forced by circumstances into a partnership against Hitler's Germany. They established 'friendly' relations that never became cordial.

After the war and with the common enemy defeated, mutual distrust and dislike re-established itself. Russia felt extremely threatened by US Military supremacy, especially through its newly-developed atomic bomb. Russia's efforts through espionage in the US to catch up and have an atomic bomb of their own did not help for a better relationship, nor did the Communist witch hunt of the McCarthy era in the US.

Finally, the development of an atomic bomb by the Russians led to a race for worldwide 'spheres of influence' between the USSR and the USA that ended only with the fall of Communism in 1989.

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14y ago

1945 - Yalta Conference

1945 - Potsdam Conference

1947 - Truman Doctrine

1948 - Berlin Blockade

1949 - NATO

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12y ago

The Cold War.

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12y ago

for the worse. The cold war started

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Q: How did the relationship between the us and the soviet union change in the decade following the World War 2?
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