The protestant revolt did NOT contribute to religious toleration, it just multiplied the sects that hated each other, and in many cases made hatred of the Christian religion, which Christ had established (the Catholic Church) acceptable.
The single most important religious order of the Catholic Reformation was the Jesuits.
The Muslim ruler, Akbar, mandated religious and cultural toleration.
Most of the conflict was between Catholics and Protestants (primarily Lutherans and Calvinists), but there was also discrimination and pogroms against Jews who were defenseless.
religious toleration
They allowed some religious toleration NOT because they believed it was the right thing to do. They had toleration because it was in the interest of their empire. Having religious toleration allowed the lands they conquered to be less driven revolt and not be dreading there conquer. This allowed less revolt, and the different religions of the country allowed for them to be more diverse.
religious reformation
When Napoleon was in absolute power in France, he gained religious tolerance for Protestants and Jews during his regime. France was a predominately Catholic nation.
Protestants and catholics
The word 'religious' is an adjective describing the common noun 'toleration', forming the noun phrase 'religious toleration'.
The single most important religious order of the Catholic Reformation was the Jesuits.
There are numerous Protestant leaders in Europe and North America who have made Protestantism or some form of it the dominant legal religion.
The Maryland Toleration Act of 1649 was passed in order to ensure religious tolerance. It passed on April 26, 1649.
Granted freedom of worship to protestants . -Byron J Espinal
To ensure Marlyands's continued growth,Lord Baltimore welcomed Protestants as well as Catholics to the colony.Later on, Lord Baltimore came to fear that Protestants might try to deprive Catholics of their right to worship freely. In 1649, he asked the assembly to pass an Act Of Toleration. The act provided religious freedom for all Chistians. As in Many Colonies,this freedom did not extend to Jews.
The Muslim ruler, Akbar, mandated religious and cultural toleration.
Its religous toleration was a major factor in making America attractive to persecuted religious minorities.
The Act for Religious Toleration