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At first hours after the death everybody was in panic.Killers were struck by the fact they won't be praised as liberators since Caesar was so loved and respected by the people.In the days following immediate death entire city fell into silence and confussion,streets were empty.The most confused were the assassins because they never really thought about what would happen after the murder.If they declared Caesar a tyrannt and his murder tyrranicide it would mean that all his actions during Dictatorship were null and void,his property would be confiscated and his heir Octavius thus stripped from property.However if his actions were illegal then it would also mean they would be strriped of all their functions,magistratures and political positions and thus lose pollitical immunity and be tried for common murder since Caesar was the man who has put them on their positions in the first place.Because of this conspirators struck a deal with Marc Antony for mutual amnesty,he accepted because if he didn't not he would likely also be kiled.It was agreed that Caesar would be farewelled to the afterlife by all of them united on a great public funeral.On the day of the funeral entire Rome went out on the streets to see the procession and mourn their bellowed leader.Veterans,housewifes,foreigners,all wept when they saw Caesar's corps.Great pyre was set up in the very center of Rome with thousands of citizens moarning in hysteria.Then it was duty for Marc Antony to give out a funeral speech.He started out in a calm tone but as he spoke on his emotions creeped out.He passionately named the titles of the belowed leader,called him father of the fatherland,reminded everyone of all the things he did for all of them(one really needs to understand how much Caesar really did for ordinary people to feel for their moarning).And then in ironic tone glaring at conspirators who were all attending the funeral as agreed in front ranks,he reminded everyone of how Caesar was always mercifull to his enemies,how he spared all supporters of Pompey forgiving them and rising them to high positions(Brutus,a prime example)"Brutus says he was a tyrrant though,and you know Brutus is an honorable man"The mob then started to get angry realizing that the very people responcible for the killing were in the procession.They were astonished by the fact that few snobby aristocrats could ruin everything they had worked for and kill the leader they loved...All their anger started to pyle up,especially among veterans.At the climax as the fire started engufling the pyre,Antony rose up Caesar's bloodied toga and threw it into the crowd,enraged people now saw all the wounds of Caesar and that was it...rioting started.As the pyre burned everybody pushed through trying to bring their offerings,throwing furniture,weapons,jewelry into the fire...Conspirators had to flee for their lives.Their property was vandalised and burned throughout the streets,some were killed.People wanted vengeance and punishment.Rioting then turned into utter chaos,plunder and destruction combined with grieving hysteria...people crying gathered arround the ashes for days.Virtually entire population was touched by this event ,all social statuses,all professions...Conspirators had to flee the city.CIVIL WARS FOLLOWED.

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15y ago

The crowd was full of sympathy for Caesar. They were aroused in anger against the conspirators. According to them, Caesar became the most noble man that ever lived on earth. They were filled with fury and rage for Brutus, whom they once considered the most honourable man. The crowd was ready to burn the houses of the conspirators and kill each one of them in order to avenge Caesar's death.

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10y ago

The people of Rome revolted at the assassination of Julius Caesar. Most of the conspirators had to quickly leave town to escape the wrath of the citizens.

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12y ago

sad stupid......

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