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Q: How did the ottoman sultans show their power?
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The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in what area?

The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in Europe. In 1389, the Ottoman victory at Kosovo paved the way for Ottoman expansion into Europe. The Ottoman army was the largest army in Europe.

How did suleiman's legal code help sultans rule the Ottoman Empire?

from my perspective I think that the reason that Suleiman's legal code helped sultans rule the ottoman empire because they made a code that would effectively govern the vast and expanding empire

How did Ottoman sultans justify their rule and maintain large diverse empires?

There are two distinct questions here.How did Ottoman sultans justify their rule?The Ottomans justified their power by their maintenance of power along a Divine Right analysis. This was relatively common at that time period.How did Ottoman sultans maintain large diverse empires?The Ottoman Empire grew and maintained itself through strategic alliances, modern military tactics, and novel inventions. They also pacified areas they controlled since they were relatively tolerant of different religions, ethnicities, and cultures. The Ottomans were intelligent and strategic in the disposition of the armies and were very capable of defeating their enemies and expanding their power. Secondly, the Ottomans were quick to establish a large bureaucracy and regional autonomy which made management of a physically expansive empire much easier.

Elite guard of the Ottoman Turks?

the elite soldiers name is Janissary, the protecter of the Ottoman Crown

What hurt the Ottoman Turks after the death of Suleyman?

Suleiman was followed by successors who were not as good at ruling as Suleiman. Empire witnessed the "cat fight" of the wives and the mothers of sultans who tried to gain power by making their own sons get the throne.

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How did ottoman sultans show their power?


The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in what area?

The Ottoman Sultans extended their empire beyond the Middle East by occupying land in Europe. In 1389, the Ottoman victory at Kosovo paved the way for Ottoman expansion into Europe. The Ottoman army was the largest army in Europe.

Why were the janissaries important to the ottoman sultans?

Because the janissaries protected the sultan

What are the ottoman empire's gods?

The sultans of the Ottoman Empire were Sunni Muslims, so their god was God, as Muslims understand Him.

How did suleiman's legal code help sultans rule the Ottoman Empire?

from my perspective I think that the reason that Suleiman's legal code helped sultans rule the ottoman empire because they made a code that would effectively govern the vast and expanding empire

How did Ottoman sultans justify their rule and maintain large diverse empires?

There are two distinct questions here.How did Ottoman sultans justify their rule?The Ottomans justified their power by their maintenance of power along a Divine Right analysis. This was relatively common at that time period.How did Ottoman sultans maintain large diverse empires?The Ottoman Empire grew and maintained itself through strategic alliances, modern military tactics, and novel inventions. They also pacified areas they controlled since they were relatively tolerant of different religions, ethnicities, and cultures. The Ottomans were intelligent and strategic in the disposition of the armies and were very capable of defeating their enemies and expanding their power. Secondly, the Ottomans were quick to establish a large bureaucracy and regional autonomy which made management of a physically expansive empire much easier.

Elite guard of the Ottoman Turks?

the elite soldiers name is Janissary, the protecter of the Ottoman Crown

What was the largest city in the Ottoman Empire?

Unquestionably, it was Constantinople, modern day Istanbul. Being at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, it was the most economically empowered city. It was also he home of the majority of the Ottoman Sultans.

What hurt the Ottoman Turks after the death of Suleyman?

Suleiman was followed by successors who were not as good at ruling as Suleiman. Empire witnessed the "cat fight" of the wives and the mothers of sultans who tried to gain power by making their own sons get the throne.

What has the author Alexander W Hidden written?

Alexander W. Hidden has written: 'The Ottoman dynasty' -- subject(s): History, Sultans

Who was the Ottoman Emperor during World War 1?

Sultans Mehmet V and Mehmet VI were the Ottoman Emperors during World War I.

What best identifies Ottoman Empire?

There are a number of things which best identify Ottoman Empire. Some of them include expansion of territories, having so many sultans and controlling the world at large among others.