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Probably because overpopulation is detrimental and people started starving or had other inhumane conditions to deal with.

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Q: How did the one child policy become so popular in china?
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What facts are there about the one child policy in china?

What do you think about China one child policy

Where abouts in china is the one child policy in place?

China's one child policy is a national policy; it is in place throughout the country.

What in china does the one child policy mean?

The aim of China's one child policy is to control population growth.

What is china's one world policy?

It is called China's one child policy.

Where does one child policy happen?

The 'One child' policy is related to China.

Who introduced the one child policy in china?

The Chinese government introduced the one child policy in 1979 to alleviate social and environmental problems in China.

How is the one child policy in china similar to policies in India and in the us?

One child policy in china is made to control the population. In India, they do not have a one child policy currently but maybe in the future. In the us, they do not have a one child policy.

How long has China had the one-child policy?

China has had the one child policy since 1979.

What are the positive effects of chinas one child policy?

is the china one child policy positive? is the china one child policy positive? it has posative did slowly stableise china's populaton

Agree or disagree on one child policy in china?

I disagree with the one child policy in China because China is a country and they can fit more people in it, it is cruel to the citizens and families living in China

When did the one-child policy in China start?

the one-child law in china started in 1979

How has the one child policy changed?

it has changed china by a lot because if they didnt introduce the one child policy china would have been in poverty