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They used canoes for transportation over water and walked anywhere else. Mind you they had things like snow shoes, and various tools and clothes to help them brave the sometimes crazy winters here. Of course things are different today.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The Bering Straight in Alaska used to have a tiny peice of land- refered to as a "land bridge"- that natives walked over on. Its how all native people in north and south America supposedly got here.

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14y ago

Over 1000 years ago, the Firstpee Native Americans came to Canada by crossing Beringia, an ice land bridge, connecting North America and Asia hunting the Wooly Mammoth. They could cross Beringia because apeet that time it was the Ice Agpeeinge and all peethe water was frozen, so they can cross easily. They were probably livipeeng in Asia before they went to Canada. Today, the area ofpee where Beringia was, is now a body a water and North America and Asia are no longer connected. We call it the Bering Strait.

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15y ago

by foot! (walking)

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