To protect themselves in the wilderness and the native Americans
they wore animal skins on themselves
it's a multiple choise. A. They allied themselves with the British, who had tried to protect them against American encroachment. B. They allied themselves with the Americans, since the British had failed to protect them from American encroachment. C. Most tribes officially maintained neutrality but secretly aided one side or the other. D. They divided in allegiance, just as many white Americans did.
the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.
Spain treated the Native Americans as animals, and those who they didn't massacre, they enslaved or deported.
To protect themselves in the wilderness and the native Americans
The Indians or Native Americans used spears to kill animals and to protect themselvesalso when they go into battle
The colonists built forts to help protect themselves from the Native Americans.
the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.
In some Indian tribes, medicine women gathered herbs and cured the ill and also for protection.
one way is that when the native Americans were inside of the missions, it would protect them from attacks by the rival native Americans.
they wore animal skins on themselves
They hunted for there food, and animals.
the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.
it's a multiple choise. A. They allied themselves with the British, who had tried to protect them against American encroachment. B. They allied themselves with the Americans, since the British had failed to protect them from American encroachment. C. Most tribes officially maintained neutrality but secretly aided one side or the other. D. They divided in allegiance, just as many white Americans did.
All people are classed as animals. Native Americans are people. There are therefore more than two native American animals.
some animals for eating like Native Americans do