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Confederation is an organization that alliance or league. Constitution is the supreme law.

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Q: How did the national or central government get stronger between independence and 1800 Write about either the difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?
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How did the national or central government get stronger between independence and 1800 Write about the difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?

it has been by y0lo0 and swaqqies

What three documents were the origin of the American government?

First the declaration of Independence, then the Articles of confederation to end with the constitution

What document established the kind of government we have?

The Articles of Confederation was the first form of National Government For the independent states.

What are the 5 documents that formed the us government?

The five documents are : The Declaration Of Independence The Article Of Confederation The US Constitution The Bill of Rights and the

What documents have influenced the us government?

Bill of Rights Constitution Magna Carta Articles of Confederation Declaration of Independence

In a confederation government power lies with?

The constitution

How did America try to run itself after declaring independence?

The first form of government after independence was a Confederation. The Articles of Confederation, a document signed be the 13 original colonies established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution. But, it was much like the United Nations today -- since there was little central authority it didn't work and was soon replaced by our present Constitution giving more authority to the Federal Government.

What document did the US Constitution replace?

Articles of Confederation

What statement accurately describes a difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

The US Constitution established rules for the US government, well the Declaration of Independence did not

What document preceded the constitution as the framework for American government?

the articles of confederation

When representatives met in Philadelphia in May of 1787 they were to revise what document?

It was NOT the Declaration of Independence they met to revise, but the Articles of Confederation. They were supposed to modify the Confederation; instead they came up with an entirely new government, described in the Constitution.

Which plan of government did the Constitution replace and why?

The Articles of Confederation