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in responce to the bay of pigs and to other confrontations between the unites states and the Soviet Union, the soviet union began to ship arms to cuna in the summer of 1962.

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Q: How did the movement of Soviet missiles trigger a potentially dangerous situation for the US?
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Continue Learning about General History

How did Americans see labor unions after the Haymarket incident?

As a dangerous anarchist movementAmericans seen labor unions as a threat. This was broken up and some got killed.

How was the American federation of labor different from the earlier labor unions?

As a dangerous anarchist movement

Why did people stay in Maryland colony?

It was Home. You have to realize I’m the 1700’s that movement by people took time, could be dangerous, and there were large areas of nothing but forests.

How did the realism movement differ from the romantic movement?

The Realism Movement was a realism. The Romantic Movement was romance.

Year 1969 major events?

Cuban Missile Crisis. This was when Florida was in range of Cuba's nuclear missiles. So the president made a compromise: Cuba remove it's missiles and USA would remove missiles from near Cuba's mother-country.Well the sixties was a big "hippies" age! Music revolution such as Pink Floid and The Beatles. They were mostly rock songs. hope I helped. :) Elizabeth:)The sixties was a revolution for the young. Baby boomers from post- World War II were teenagers and young adults. They began the change of the government, of expression, and art. Peace, love, and happiness was a big theme during that time. These people were known as "hippies", but there were also well educated students who questioned the political choices of the government as well. In addition, there were 4 major deaths in the sixties. John f. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Bobby Kennedy, and Malcolm X, all of who were assassinated (not in that order). And don't forget Nixon and Watergate problems. The civil rights movement, Vietnam war protesting, and womens movement were major issues during this time. I hoped this helped a little. <>

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As a dangerous anarchist movementAmericans seen labor unions as a threat. This was broken up and some got killed.

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