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Darrion Blick

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Q: How did the Minoans and Mycenaean's shape early Greek civilization?
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What is the same about Mycenaeans and Minoans?

They were both early Greek peoples who were taken over by invaders from other Greek peoples and from the Sea peoples.

Where did early Greek civilization first rise up?

the early Greeks were founded by the Minoans in Greece.

What were two distinct cultures developed in early Greece?

mycenaeans and minoans

How were the mycanaeans and the mynoans simlir?

The Mycenaeans and Minoans were both advanced civilizations in ancient Greece. They both had palatial centers, engaged in trade, and had complex political and social structures. However, the Mycenaeans were more militaristic and spoke an early form of Greek, while the Minoans were known for their art and culture.

Who discovered the civilization which predated the Mycenaeans?

The Minoans, an ancient civilization that predated the Mycenaeans, were discovered by British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans in the early 20th century. He excavated the ruins of the palace at Knossos on the island of Crete, revealing a sophisticated Bronze Age civilization with advanced architecture, art, and a writing system called Linear A.

Early Greek civilization were peace-loving and used the sea in many aspects of their culture?

Are you doing an online course or credit recovery. Minoans.

Which bestdescribes a difference between the Minoan and Mycenaean societies?

Minoans were better artists Mycenaeans had a stronger military. One major difference was that the Minoan civ was very peaceful.It achieve his power through trade. The mycenean civ was more aggressive becoming the most powerful civ of his time through war (and of course trade).

Who were the Minoans and Mycenaean?

The Minoans were from the island of Crete and the Myceneans were from mainland Greece and spoke an early form of the Greek language.

Did the minoans have mmore social equality tha other early civilization?


Why are the Minoans not considered Greek but the Myceneans are?

The argument is muddied by different terminologies used by archaeologists - pre-Minoan/first early Minoan/Phase 1/Neolithic and others. So if you want to have something before Minoan, you can cherry-pick a particular word. The Greek-ness of these peoples is also a matter of word use. What is 'Greek'? These early peoples were not the same as the peoples we call Greek. In earlier times, the Indo-European nomads who settled the Mediteranean littoral split up into peoples ranging from Latins in the west to Arcadians, Ionian, Aetolians, Dorians and other Hellenes (Greeks). It is better to talk of groups such as Minoans, Mycenaeans, Aeolians etc rather that try to argue about what to call some earlier people with a fabricated name which we do not know what they were, other than Neolithics.

Early theater had its beginnings in which civilization?

Early theater had its beginnings in Greek civilization.

What were the Minoans and Mycenaean similar?

The Mycenaens created Linear B, the Minoans created Linear A. They are the languages of the Mycenaens and Minoans. They both had very powerful military civilizations.