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Q: How did the liberties of blacks after 1877 give way to legal segregation across the south?
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Which of these statements accurately describes the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision of 1896?

What years was segregation?

1896: Plessy v Ferguson That was when the courts ruled that segregation was legal, if equal accommodations were provided for both Blacks and Whites.

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Racial segregation

What year was segregation legalized?

1896: Plessy v Ferguson That was when the courts ruled that segregation was legal, if equal accommodations were provided for both Blacks and Whites.

What is Legal separation of blacks and whites called?

Legal separation of blacks and whites was commonly referred to as segregation in the United States, particularly during the Jim Crow era. This practice was enforced through laws known as Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in public facilities and institutions.

In what year was segregation between white and blacks abolished in the US?

Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation in January 1,1863 and slavery was abolished in 1865 after Civil War between the north and south. Radical Republicans attempted to integrate blacks during Reconstruction but failed. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended legal segregation but racism's vestiges continue to this day. From Akatsukiiub1

Did the Plessy v. Ferguson decision end segregation in the south?

That Supreme Court decision legitimized legal segregation in the nation. It provided that there could be separate public facilities, like schools and movie theater, that could be segregated as long as the facilities were near equal in quality. The problem was that the court did not define "equal" in quality, and the facilities for the Blacks became second class.

Why did they want segregation?

Schools were segregated in the mid to late 1800s/early to mid 1900s becauase, well almost everything was segregated. laws were passed that whites had to be separated [segregated] from blacks. The supreme court cas in 1896, plessy v. fergusib was a significant case that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation by ruling that separate facilties for different races were legal, as long as those facilties were equal to one another. this case prvided a legal justification for racial segregation for nearly 60 years until it was overturned by the case Brown v. Board of education in 1954. ~hope that helps.~ krista xx

What is the legal separation of the races?

the word is segregation e2020

What is a legal separation of the races?

the word is segregation e2020

Where can you find a legal definition of employment?

In "Blacks Law/Legal Dictionary".

How did the slave codes affect the free blacks?

Slave codes restricted the rights and freedoms of free blacks by limiting their ability to own property, giving them fewer legal protections, and denying them basic civil liberties. These codes enforced a system of racial hierarchy and reinforced the idea of black subjugation and inferiority.