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Q: How did the lack of capital affect industrial growth?
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Why did America at first resist the Industrial Revolution?

Because America had a lack of capital.

What are the factors that limit industrial development in less developed countries?

low capital accumulation lack of skilled labor lack of technology

How did the lack of capital effect industrial growth?

In order to make a industry you needed money, in the south, the only way was to sell their slaves to make an industry, which a lot of plantation owners did not want to do because they were satisfied with their profit.

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Lack of sleep can cause people to get groggy or crabby during the day. It can also affect some peoples growth or immune system.

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Im a 16 year old bodybuilder will it affect your growth?

Being a bodybuilder shouldn't affect your growth. If you are eating plenty of protein and providing your body minerals and vitamins, you should not experience a lack of growth.

How can the lack of water affect development of a country?

The lack of water can negatively impact a country's development by impacting basic needs such as agriculture, sanitation, and hygiene. This can lead to food and water scarcity, malnutrition, and diseases, which in turn can affect the health and productivity of the population. Insufficient water availability can also hinder industrial and economic growth, limiting opportunities for development.

How did the lack of capital become a stumbling block to the growth of industry in the south?

Because they were becoming dependent from the north transporting goods

How can diet affect human growth and development?

depending on what you eat if you have a lack of a vitamin or something vital to the body then your growth will be affected by the lack of the vital item the your body needs to grow

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lack of economic growth lack of economic growth lack of economic growth

What can affect the growth of a plant?

Light. Extreme heat or cold. Lack of moisture. Being nibbled on or eaten by animals. Fertilizers.

How does the lack of physical fitness and proper nutrition impact on the teenager?

A lack of proper nutrition and proper physical fitness for a teenager can affect their mood, their growth (since much of adult growth happens during the teenage year) and their ability to concentrate and do well in school.