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mughe iska ans nahi pata.............

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Q: How did the knowledge of ancient texts help the reforms promote new law?
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Vedas is related to what English word?

In Spanish, "veda" is a synonym for "prohibitions" (used as in "closed season" or restricted operations). In ancient Sanskrit, Vedas roughly translates as "knowledge" and is the name given to very old texts in India which are sacred to Hinduism.

What is stored in a pataka?

A pataka is an ancient Indian scriptural term referring to a thought or idea. It represents a unit of knowledge or a single concept that is preserved in texts.

What Can we Learn From The colossal monuments about the ancient Egypt?

it show people how they used these momuments to promote power, glory, and to intimidate others.

What did humanists study during the the Renaissance?

Humanists during the Renaissance studied classical texts, including works by ancient Greek and Roman authors. They focused on subjects such as language, literature, history, philosophy, and ethics to promote human potential and advance knowledge. Humanists emphasized critical thinking, education, and the importance of individuals in society.

Where was ancient knowledge kept at?

Depends on the society. Alexandria had a great library filled with ancient history and scrolls, but it burned and these things were lost to mankind. Monasteries in the Middle Ages were often the places that held and kept ancient manuscripts or books. Some kings kept libraries for themselves and one of the greatest depositories of knowledge (even today) is the Vatican. It has a massive amount of ancient texts and information.

Who was one of the Renaissance scholars and writers who devoted themselves to the study of the subjects taught in ancient Greek and Roman schools?

The scholars who devoted themselves to the study of ancient Roman texts in Latin and ancient Greek texts were the humanists. The father of humanism was Petrarch who advocated the study of Latin literature and rhetoric. He lived in the 14th century, before the beginning of the Renaissance. Originally the humanists only studied Roman texts as no one could read Greek and knowledge of Greek works had been lost. The learning of ancient Greek and ancient Greek texts followed the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Many Greek scholars went to Italy, taught Greek and the study of Greek texts. The main effect of this was the revival of ancient Greek philosophy.

What was the primary source of knowledge before enlightenment?

Before the Enlightenment, the primary source of knowledge was typically religious doctrine, tradition, and authority figures such as the church or monarchy. People relied on faith, superstition, and ancient texts for understanding the world and their place in it.

What does the name shruti means?

"Shruti" is a Sanskrit word that means "that which is heard" or "revealed knowledge." It refers to the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism, specifically the Vedas, which are believed to be revealed to ancient sages through divine sources.

Where did humanists look for knowledge?

Humanists looked for knowledge in classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome, emphasizing the importance of reason, logic, and critical thinking. They also valued studying literature, history, art, and philosophy as sources of wisdom and inspiration.

What are the Terma?

The Terma are ancient Tibetan religious texts.

Were there ancient texts that referred to reincarnation?

hopfully it wasscotland

What is the difference between Vedas and shastras?

Vedas are ancient sacred texts in Hinduism that form the foundation of Indian philosophy and ritual practices. Shastra, on the other hand, refers to a broader category of texts that encompass a wider range of subjects including law, ethics, arts, and sciences. Vedas are considered to be revealed knowledge while shastras encompass a wider body of human knowledge.